Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chapters 16-18

"A Morning of Sorrows"

  1. "This morning you're going to need a father" (219). Do you believe that God reveals Himself according to our need? If so, in what different ways has God revealed Himself to you?
  2. "Nothing is a ritual, Mackenzie" (220). What do we tend to make ritual? What's the harm? Consider, for example, the rituals we enjoy so much this time of year (decorating the tree, buying presents, even attending a Christmas service). Do these things detract or add to our relationships with God and others?
  3. "I don't do humiliation, or guilt, or condemnation. They don't produce one speck of wholeness or righteousness, and that is why they were nailed into Jesus on the cross" (223). These are tough things to talk about, but dig deep for a minute. Do you carry a sense of guilt or shame? Do you feel obligated to do so? Destined to do so? Does God want us to carry condemnation? How do we find the freedom to let go?
  4. "I want to help you take on that nature that finds more power in love and forgiveness than hate" (225). If there is more power and freedom in love, why do hold on so tightly to hate? What do we gain from holding onto bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, etc.? How is love more powerful than hate?
  5. "Just say it out loud. There is power in what my children declare" (227). To what extent do you believe saying "I forgive you" aloud can change the condition of your heart? Have you ever tried anything like it? What was the result? Finally, what does this idea say about the nature of forgiveness?

"Choices of the Heart"

  1. "Mack, if anything matters then everything matters. Because you are important, everything you do is important" ( 235). What does this passage mean to you? If it's true, how does it challenge you and the choices you make?
  2. As Mack prepares to leave the shack, he gives Jesus his tin box, saying "I don't think I'm going to need it anymore...All my best treasures are now hidden in you." What treasures are in your tin box? What does it mean for us to hand Jesus our tin boxes?
  3. "It was more likely he was back in the un-real world" (237). In what ways is our world "un-real"?

"Outbound Ripples"

  1. The circumstances of Mack's accidents and the injuries he sustained will likely make it difficult for others to believe his experience with Papa at the shack. Have you ever experienced a supernatural encounter with God that you're hesitant to share with others?
  2. What message does Mack have for Willie?
  3. What enables Nan to believe?

"After Words"

  1. Mack's message for Willie was simple: "Tell Willie that I'm especially fond of him." Willie says later that Mack's story has deeply touched and changes his life. What simple message of "The Shack" has touched your heart and perhaps even changed your perspective?
  2. Willie says that Mack now lives with a "profound sense of joy" (247). Do you?